Apple Podcast Smart Banner

Apple has released a pretty cool method we can use to get more Apple Podcast subscribers for our podcast.

We can add one small line of code to the Header of your site that will show a smart, deep-link at the top of the site JUST for users browsing, on mobile, on Safari (Apple’s default browser loaded onto the iPhone).

It looks like this:

When the user clicks on that link, it takes them directly to your podcast screen in Apple Podcasts where the user can subscribe in a single click. They can also click the “x” icon that will ensure the user never sees the banner again.

This will only impact a small fraction of your site visitors but should have a nice boost to podcast subscribers.

To activate this we simply need to add this line of code to the <head> of your website:

<meta name="apple-itunes-app" content="app-id=1519848446">

The app-id can be found in the URL of your Apple Podcast listing:

E.g. for my podcast it’s: 1504044930, so I added:

<meta name="apple-itunes-app" content="app-id=1504044930">

In Wordpress, this tag sits within the “header.php” file:

Happy bCasting!

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